1.) I know everyone says "lose weight" and yes that's I guess the overall goal of my first resolution but to me its more about being healthier and feeling better about myself! I seriously LOVE food and I can't help it...Ive always ate whatever I wanted and my metabolism has been great...but in recent years I can tell that my days of not caring at all what I ate are now
2.) Being more social! I know if you know me you might think I don't need anymore motivation to do this but in public I want to be more open minded and make sure I go out at LEAST once a week which is usually what I do. As you know from previous posts I am single now after 7 years and mostly this "social" thing pertains to that! I basically just want to be the best me I can so when the right person comes along I am ready...and that they see me at the best I can be as well! Being single after 7 years has been pretty tough...I'm just not use to it and I frankly don't know how to "date" so I'm focusing on me now and in the mean time watch a lot of girly movies & reading lots of Nicholas Sparks to make up for this lack of in my life! haha ...I am very optimistic and I know everything will work out in due time! Basically the way I feel can be summarized in this one line from a Michel Buble song: "I might have to wait...I'll never give up...I guess it's half timing...& the other's half's luck, wherever you are...whenever it's right...you'll come out of nowhere & into my life"
3.) Better communication: Now if you really know me I KNOW your shaking your head on this one but what I mean is stay in better communication! I am the kind of friend that I DON'T need to talk to you ALL the time to know how good of friends we are BUT I just don't want the people I care about to feel that I don't care or I am ignoring them...just cause i feel that way doesn't mean they do. So I have been trying to make more of an effort to communicate with my friends & family more and let them know how i feel about them. I am very blessed and lucky and I hope they never think I don't care or I'm being rude. Cause I swear that is NEVER my intention (unless you're a creeper and I'm trying to ignore you)! haha
I also have been trying to do new things (or old things) for the new year that I enjoy to keep my self occupied & broaden my horizons!
*I have started reading again and I have actually read 4 books in the past 6 months and I am now reading "The Last Song" by Nicholas Sparks! Growing up I LOVED reading and I can do it rather quickly...I just am a very visual person and if there is something on TV I would rather do that. But I am enjoying reading ALOT!! and sidenote...if you are single I would reccommend Patti Stanger's (from Millionare Matchmaker)book! I got it for my mom for Christmas last year as kind of a joke and she loved it and now in my predicament i read it and LOVED it! :)
*Scrapbooking...My mom got me all the tools and stuff to start last year for Christmas casue I wanted to do one for college and so I have been looking through all my photos & things from college and I'm SOOO excited to get started on this! I just hope my OCD chills a little and my creative inner sorority girl will come out! haha
*Praying: I grew up Roman Catholic and went to Catholic School basically my whole life and now that I'm getting older I am SOO grateful for what I have and who I have and so I have been thanking God for everything and saying some prayers for my future. ...I also want to start going to Church on a more regular basis...need to start that soon!
Things Already on the Horizon for this Year:
1.) I am currently searching for a new place to live come April and I
2.) A PUPPY! ...I can't stand it! I've always wanted a puppy and now I am the ONLY best friend without one and I need something to take care of that will love me back unconditionally and I need it NOW! I am doing my research and trying to save my $$ so hopefully around my birthday (June) I will have one or start actively searching for one. I just want to live in my new place and get one ASAP!
I also want to start being better with blogging so stay tuned & see what my progress is with that and with everything that I talked about! Hopefully I can keep up with everything! :) ...PEACE & BLESSINGSSS...