Thursday, October 28, 2010


Ok so if you are my friend on other social networks then you know recently I have had mulitple status on facebook and twitter about JEGGINGS! I'm sorry if I am being annoying I am just OBSESSED...and I haven't even worn mine yet! haha...I now own a pair of jean & black jean jeggings and I really wouldn't describe them as a PLASTERED to my leg type...they do have some shape...I would describe them more as skinny jeans but the label says "JEGGINGS" & I like saying that word so that's what we are going to call them!

The reason they make me soooooo freakinnn exciteddd is because I NEVER thought in a million years I would be able to wear these! I am very short, and I have curves (and i mean curves...thats not another word for fat)...LOTS OF THEM and my body is very balenced in that aspect so i was afraid wearing a jean that was painted on to my wonderfully athletic calves & thighs wouldn't exactly be slimming! So when watching all these celebrites/girls my age wearing these jeans I would be secretly DYING to wear them...

Carrie Underwood (she seriously weighs like 75 pds but i dont care)

...and every once in a while at the store i would try on a pair to only leave the store depressed! But on Tuesday while shopping i FOUND them and I cannot wait to rock them 24/7 with my painful sexual "LA heels" & boots that i have (i also must add more to my collection)!

And the sole person who made me believe I could look good is KIM KARDASHIAN!

She DEFF has a way curvier body then me and a wayyy bigger if she can fit hers into a pair...i knew my day would come and I would be able to! :) So thank you Kim for always looking fabulousss and without a doubt being my "body idol"...i love how you embrace your hips & big boobs and you just rock it!

Another idol I have with Skinny Jeans...who couldn't be the farthest from my "body type" is Victoria Beckham! Another part of her that I COULDNT be more jealous of are her presh kids and that PERFECT/GORGEOUS piece of man candy she calls her husband!!

a girl can dream right?

And I also like this casual use of the jeggings my Sierra Miller...

this picutre also reminds me of a time and another trend I think I'm personally going to start back if I can find them = KEDS!!!! I literally rocked KEDS every single day and I miss them! :(



  1. I think you should post a pic of how you look with jeggins. I am sure you will look very beautiful and very sexy like these people

  2. I am one who believes that this is a very cool trend and it is very hot right now.. Everyone is trying to get a pair.
